Monday, January 30, 2012

5 stitches

It has been one hell of a month, hasn't it? January pretty much kicked me in the nads. I talked earlier about how I like to bring in the new year in a way that will make the rest of the year rock. So far, January has let me down.
But there's something to being hit, quite literally, in the face by reality and fate that makes you wonder what's in store next. And even if a little-more-than-a-little-blood, 6+ hours in the infirmary/ER, and 5 stitches isn't enough of proof that there's a message the universe is trying to send to you, you realize it eventually. We all do. Sometimes it comes in a small dose, like having a sensory reaction you didn't expect, and sometimes it's a 30 pound door being swung in your face. 3 years ago it was a car accident and a blinking gas light. I call these moments "resets". They are the times when you look, introspectively, on what you've done in your past and what you could do better in the future. Call it what you will, but fate has a damn-good way of stopping you in your tracks and making you re-evaluate your life.

So far this month, i've thrown up my guts, i've had my heart broken, and I got my ass kicked by a swinging door. I'll be damned if I can't call it interesting at least. Hopefully it's just the universe's way of saying that something even more interesting, and hopefully better, is on the horizon.

Until later,

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