Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Date and Time

Hi there.

There was a meteor shower last night, if anyone saw. It was a shame that it was freakin' freezing out. I didn't last more than fifteen minutes. But I think shooting stars are really interesting. Sort of like flickering lights on a christmas tree. For that brief period of time, they get the chance to shine brightly, then nothing. Ryan Adams has a song, Firecracker, with the lyric "Well some folks want to live forever, but I just want to burn up fast and bright", which always reminds me of shooting stars.

What ever happened to dating? Our parents did it. Our grandparents invented it. But somewhere along the line, dating became impossible, stupid, and associated with embarrassment. Why are we perfectly okay with something we call 'sexting', but not okay with expressing our feelings or attraction for someone face to face. Intimacy has completely changed since our parents were 'courting' and 'parking' (gross). Technology has made dating something we can do over texting. I thought connection could only happen in person. Evidently, that is not the case. So what next? Eating dinner with the family via Skype? Watching the birth of your child or grandchild on a webcam or on YouTube? The direction that we are headed in can only lead here. Unless dating becomes a thing again. I tried so hard my freshmen year (of college) to go on dates, to experience the dating culture. But in a society reliant on the hook-up culture, how do we reverse the effect? Answer: One date at a time.

Until later.

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