Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Anyone listening? How are you today? I'm a bit pensive, actually. Let me start with a simple hello, anyways.

A lot of people would say that a blog is just one way to spread your ego. I've heard people call 'bloggers' (god, that's an ugly word), egotists, and self-involved. That's not my intention. I guess I should start with a bit about me. I'm 19 years old. I'm in college (for privacy sake, I won't say where). I'm studying Secondary education. I love my family and friends. I have two sisters who have taught me more than I could ever describe. Music gets me through the day. I have a dog (he's pretty old, but more on that later). I love acting, and dream of one day becoming a director for high school students and of running my own theatre company.  The reason I am starting this blog is because it was part of my new year's resolution. I resolved to learn more about myself, and i'm sort of on this quest of self-discovery.  I sat down and thought: what the hell do I want to do with my life? There were so many things, so many lists (I'm a huge proponent of making lists). I got overwhelmed. So I watched some 'How I Met Your Mother', and forgot about it. But then it hit me, I have to stop avoiding things i'm terrified of. I'm sick and tired of being run over by the present because I didn't see it coming. Didn't Ferris Bueller say something about that?
It's getting to a point where I need to start making some big decisions (not huge, but big enough to be scary.......that's what she said). So I thought the best way to get through to, well, me, was to talk it out. And what better way than here?

I promise I won't get self-involved. We learn best when we learn from each other, right?
That's the goal.

Anyone listening? Okay.
Until later.

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