Tuesday, January 10, 2012


'We all have them. We all assume something will work out the way we imagined it, and when it doesn't, we have our expectations to blame. The standards we set control how we stumble along from day to day.

 One of my greatest flaws is the fact that I set giant expectations. I always imagine moments before they happen, rehearse them, practice what I want to say and how I should inflect the phrases. Bullshit. When the moment comes, i've lost all the practice I put into creating it, and my expectations destroy the beauty of the spontaneity. I like to imagine, sometimes, that i'm in some sort of movie, that there is an audience. That i'll get a reaction out of these moments. And if anything goes wrong, if something doesn't fit the way it should, the moment is ruined.

I never know how to stop, though. How can we not have expectations? They allow us to know what's in store, and actually tell us a lot about what we want from the moment. Our dreams, hopes, prayers, and so on are revealed in our expectations. God, that sounds corny, right?

Screw the emotional and deep shit, answer the question. How do we stop having such high expectations? Are expectations a bad thing? do they always leave us disappointed? Looking at them now, yes. You expect something out of a moment, it doesn't go that way, it seems lost somehow. But what does our world look like without expectations? It lacks definition. We don't know what to expect, so we're unprepared for any sort of response. So I guess it's just about finding the appropriate balance of expectation and reality. You have to be honest with yourself.

Back to How I Met your Mother and pondering life's mysteries.
Until later,

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