Tuesday, February 7, 2012

20 years or The Leap

Today, I turn 20. It's not a big number when  you look at it in terms of the big picture of life, but it certainly marks the end and beginning of a certain time of your life.
It's the end of innocence of teenage years. Sure, there will always be times to blame the world for your problems, and bitch to your parents, and say that you've been hurt soooo many times. But 20 marks a time when these actions are no longer tolerated. People don't want to hear you complain. Figure out what the problem is, and solve it. Plain. Simple.

I completed my list. The list entitled: 20 Things to do before Turning 20. And although it came down to the wire and although I had my doubts, I couldn't have finished it without the help of a few people who mean the world to me.

Put on A.C. Newman- "Prophets" before reading this next part. Taking a cue from Ted Mosby and How I Met Your Mother:
This was the year I learned what the value of working is. It was the year I realized what it was I wanted to do with my life. It was the year I was rejected/stood up 10 separate times. It was the year I learned my tolerance for alcohol. It was the year I had my heart broken by the same girl, on 3 separate occasions. It was the year I moved in with some of the greatest friends I have ever had. And it was the year I got my ass kicked by a door. And i'll be damned if it wasn't the best year of my life.

until later,

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