Monday, December 31, 2012

The Last One or a Year in the Life

It seemed appropriate that this last post comes on a day that I worked 13 hours, ran between two jobs, and finally spent it huddled with my friends as the ball dropped and 2013 came rolling around the corner. It's been one hell of a year, if this day has been any indication. I always said this blog was about self-discovery and figuring the big stuff out while I had the resources (a laptop and a clear mind) and the time. It's safe to say that this has been one of the greatest years i've had, and it's also safe to say that this was one of the best resolutions I ever made (and consequently one of the only resolutions I ever kept up with). And to all those out there who kept reading (and based on Blogger's charts, there are some of you out there), thanks for letting my thoughts be heard. Thanks for making em keep going. It's easy to give up on self-reflection, even more so when it's a New Year's Resolution.

So to end things, I wanted to mark the many lessons this past year has thrown me.

The Big Stuff:
-We hold too high of expectations. We frequently should stop, taker a step back, and notice that happiness is not when our expectations are met, but when we hold realistic expectations. I can't be held back by my expectations any longer.
-Mistakes look like good ideas at first. You have to be let down every now and then. It makes us a little better.
-I have some of the best friends a guy could ask for. I will never be more lucky to have such amazing people around me.
-The universe has a funny way of letting you know that it's time to slow down and reset. For me, this came in the form of a large wooden door smacking me in the face. But those 5 stitches were just a sign that things were about to change.
-It's a good idea to sit back on major days (like birthdays) and figure out if you've accomplished what you want. If you haven't, change your mindset. DO it. Don't Rehearse any longer.
-Actions speak louder than words.
-If something doesn't fit, change out of it. Don't toss and turn. And take a chance every once in awhile. It's important to throw ourselves into the canyon every once in awhile. You'll feel great afterwards for trying, regardless of the outcome.
-Our future has a nasty way of keeping us from thinking clearly. The expectations we keep for what we want the rest of our lives to be like can sometimes destroy the amazing things we have in front of us in the present. We can't let that happen.
-The little things matter most. Distinguish between your golf-balls, your pebbles, and your sand. Then have some beers.
-Love has many different forms, some that we can't see right away. That doesn't mean it's not there. Affection is all around us. Never forget that you are loved.
-There's a difference between feeling accomplished/feeling like you're making a difference and just earning a paycheck/sweating from working a lot of hours.
-As sad as it sounds, money matters. this year I learned the value of a dollar.
-Heartbreak is just a fact of life. It sucks, yes, and we all cope in different ways. That doesn't mean we get over it at the same rate.
-Time moves differently from moment to moment. Let it. Don't try to speed up or slow down moments.
-Coming home won't always feel the way it used to. You have to be okay with the way the comfort of home will change.
- Traveling is no way to escape. But it's a good way to learn about yourself.
- Scotland is an amazing place.
-Great friendships last over time and distance. Great times are the same.
-You have to open to meeting new people and experiencing new things. 
-Coming home can be daunting. And sometimes it can even be frightening. Take you time coming home. It will feel great once you're back.

Looking back, I haven't been rehearsing much for anything. Life performs itself, and all the other things come with it. Maybe it was a rough dress rehearsal at times, but there was always an audience, and there was always purpose. It may have taken me a while to figure it out for myself, but thanks for indulging me.

Happy New Year, everyone. throw out the bath water and ring the bells to bring in the New Year. Appreciate that when the clock strikes midnight, we all get a new start with new resolutions.

Until later?

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