Sunday, December 30, 2012

Second to Last or 37

Here we go folks: one more day in the Old Year, and a new one on its way. I have always believed that you are supposed to bring in the New Year int he same style that you want the rest of the year to go. A year ago, I didn't do so hot. While I learned two very valuable lessons (1. That mixing alcohol is a dangerous game and 2. That my tolerance for alcohol wasn't great), I didn't succeed in bring in the Ne Year exactly as i'd like. It's funny though, because as much as I believe that the way you bring in the New Year affects how the rest of the year went, this year rocked. I'll get into that phenomenon later (tomorrow). So is New Years a hoax?  Or is it something to be cherished? There's an episode of HIMYM called "The Limo", where they talk about New Year's Eve being the biggest let-down of a night in the entire year. I'm still trying to figure out just how true that is.

I want preface this post by saying that this will be the craziest, most mentally-unstable idea i'll ever have. There. It's out there. I said it.

This is my 37th post. 37 is my lucky number. The reason for this is because I have always believed that the number 37 follows me. I see it everywhere. For awhile, I believed that it marked the universe at work. And I trusted that. And it wasn't until recently that I realized that I was sort of living my life waiting for 37 to show me the way.  And I can't do that. Watching the universe is like watching a pot of boiling water. Like the cardinal the evades being seen at the bird-feeder. I have learned to now take seeing the number 37 with a grain of salt.

There's such a thing as a universal-marker. Something makes me believe that the universe and fate sends us signs, markers, to indicate we're on the right path. I believe strongly in the idea that our story is mapped out. This is not to say that I don't trust free will, or us having any sort of say in our story. But I think we've all got a path. And I like to know i'm on that path. And I like to believe that 37 is that marker for me.

So Let's keep it going, universe. Gimme dem signs.

Until tomorrow,

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