Friday, December 28, 2012

4 Days More or When you're working at the Diner

Almost a year ago today, I started this blog as a process of self-discovery. There was something I wanted to discover about myself, but more importantly I had a sense that this year was going to be a big one.
We all sense those moments, don't we? I've talked recently about how we don't know that moments are life-changing until after they have happened, but we know whens something big is on the horizon right? We can tell when we're about to experience something big. Hopefully you all (who are you guys? we've never talked about that) know what i'm talking about.

Well today marked one of those events (of many) that made this year big. today I quit my job. Well. One of my jobs. I started working at the restaurant when I was 16. It was the first job that ever moved through the employment chain, doing almost every job that was available. It was the same line of work my father did, at the same restaurant, almost 30 years earlier. It was the first job that I was ever good at.

There are certain times in your life that can be marked by some consistent feature; something that never changed about you: a shirt you wore frequently, a haircut you had for a while, or a job that you held for a period of time. This restaurant was my constant for over 4 and half years. While working there I experienced prom, graduation, break-ups, starts of relationship, going off to college, leaving for abroad, all while finding myself among the pancakes, coffee pots and friendly faces.

Sometimes you can't see how much you've grown up until you've left something behind. Sometimes you have to find the perfect time to take a step back, and look at the place that's helped you grow so much over the last 4 years. Even if that step means driving away, smiling at the place where you learned how to wash a dish, how to greet a customer, and that sometimes a smile means so much more than you could think.

Until later,

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