Thursday, September 27, 2012

Scotland: kicking ass and taking chances

Very often in life we forget how romantic we can be. The opportunity is  presented to us often: will we run back and tell them that one more thing? Will we share one more kiss? Will we do something we're afraid of simply because we know it would hurt more not to take the chance? Here's something i've learned recently: Romance is an universal law. Like gravity, romance is everywhere. You watch that opening scene from Love Actually and you realize right away that every bit of it is true. Affection is all around us. Sometimes, we avoid it like some bad song. Sometimes we cower from it. And sometimes we just take the leap.

As human beings, it's easy to forget just how beautiful the world is. In a world that is racing by every single day, how often do you literally stop and smell the roses? How often do you look up and say "Hey, thanks for that" to the universe or whatever else is up there? While in Scotland, i've gotten into the healthy habit of doing it at least once a day. And everytime I do, I know that i'm doing exactly what I should've. Boom. The universe and I have lined up. Suddenly. And without warning.

So here's an updated list, just to keep it fresh:
-Thank God for the universality of musical-theatre geeks
-Suddenly, Seymour
-Sometimes, good things do happen after 2AM
-Scottish weather reminds me of New England weather; always bring a raincoat
-Wind is a reminder that the world is still moving
-DUBLIN in like a week. Hell yeah to getting my traveling started
-The future doesn't need to be sorted now. You'll get there eventually, right?
-American History abroad has a much different taste. I can't call it bitterness. But there's definitely a difference in understanding. Whose fault is that?
-With so little regulations and restrictions on authority and leadership (mainly in academics), how does anybody get anything done around this place?
-A musical put up in 24 hours feels a little insane. But holy Jesus, is it worth it.
-If the mind and the body are so distinct, Descartes, why does it make me want to punch a wall everytime I have to walk to philosophy class?
-Scottish people put a lot of faith in an out-of-town American who sang a little ditty and tripped over his own feet. Thanks Cecilians, for that.
-There's a old, polish man back home who'd I'd like to grab by the shirt collar and ask if he still thinks i'm not "leading man material".
-I could get used to being a part of "Kake"

Until later,

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