Saturday, September 1, 2012

Scotland: a-broad

Today I sit in the big city of Glasgow, Scotland. After 16 hours of travel, a rain storm (I've been told by my friends here before me that I brought the rain....sorry guys), a cheap cell phone purchase, a flat all by myself, and the first sweater of September (say whatttt?) I am finally abroad.

I had a lot of expectations about going abroad. Mostly the negative ones, which are just as unhealthy as the good expectations we hold. I had expectations of missing a flight, not being able to communicate with anyone, getting lost, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and so on. I tried to keep an open mind, but it's hard to when you feel like there's some many things to take care of and there's only one of you. The stress kept me up most nights, and that includes when I finally got here. Loneliness, and a feeling like you can't communicate with anyone you actually want to talk to, can do that to you.And while I swore last night that I wasn't ready for this experience, i'm starting to understand something. The thing is, I was not meant to be ready for this experience. No one else is, so why should I be?

Experience is only as important as you make it. My expectations (regardless of how real or ridiculous they may have been) may have soiled this experience if I hadn't realized that part of going abroad is getting lost a bit. You have to not know what to do. Living on your own may be hard, but that's the point. And now it has me asking: What else could I have expected?

So here's some highlights/thoughts from the experience thus far:
-Sat next to a wonderful Brit, named Amanda, on the flight over to London. She was heading home after 12 and half years, to say goodbye to her sister who had died. Still she was one of the most cheerful people I had met thus far. She was just so happy to going home. I hope I feel that way when I am coming back the states.
-The differences between TSA and the airport personnel in Great Britain is kindness. the Heathrow airport staff was so wonderful with all of my questions. Logan airport staff yelled at me.
-I wish I had brought an umbrella.
-Glasgow has some of the most beautiful architecture I have ever seen. I can't wait to visit more of Scotland to what else there is here.
-While I felt really lonely and lost at this time yesterday, I realized that a cell phone has made me feel that much more comfortable. I don't know if that's sad or if that's just the future. Probably both.
-Loneliness takes over when you realize that it's just you and your thoughts. And when those thoughts scare you, that's the worst. But perhaps that's just to show the importance of company.
-If the walk to campus wasn't such a bitch, i'd feel much better about my residence.
-I could used to this place. And I will.

And with that, I have only more expectation: To have a good time, to enjoy it. While it lasts.

Until later,

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