Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Direct Quote: "You meet the girl of your dreams, and want to say hi. But being the timid geek that you are, you go home and long for the day when your paths will cross again. IT WON'T. Life isn't a rehearsal. Do something for yourself, jackass".

I found it hilarious that I named this blog (is there a better word for blog? Because I hate that word) 'Rehearsing Life'. It actually makes me feel pretty foolish.
I started writing this to learn how to live life. To talk through it. To realize life's full potential, because, as I said, the goal is always learning from experience. And yet, by this quote's standards, I am not living life. I have to stop rehearsing for it. The show has started.

Now, the first part has not happened yet. Although maybe it has, and maybe one of the many girls i've gone home and wished I had said something to them about how beautiful they looked or how sweet they were was the one for me. But then again, maybe I haven't met her yet (hey, screw you, Michael Buble). "Do something for yourself, jackass". God that speaks to me.

But they're right. Life won't wait for me. It won't let me rehearse anymore, i've got to do the show now. I need to step on the stage and give them what i've got. Isn't that profound.

Maybe the ones i've met are more incredible than i'm giving them credit for. I really hope that's the case. Don't stop for me life, i'll catch up.

Until later,

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