Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Make a Difference

If there was ever a time where I needed guidance, now is it.

What the hell do you do when you hear that you'd be perfect at one thing, but you just aren't feeling it? I don't mean to bitch. I sound as if I'm bragging. But seriously. I'm caught. I'm stuck. I need to breathe.

I always thought i'd be the one to make a difference. It was always important to me, and I thought it would be my passion. But what happens when the thing you believed since the beginning of a long journey suddenly doesn't make any sense any longer? What the hell do you do when you lose your purpose, your passion? Do you make a difference? Or do you just let fate take the reigns?

I'm terrified of letting fate do what it wants? Because what if it ruins everything you've gained? What if you lose love? What if you lose sense of yourself? Because that's not what I want. I want to be secure. I want what i've gained.

I have found a love that I haven't ever realized before. It has made me question everything I have ever known. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Because she's awesome. You know when you say something so often, then you say if differently once, and it changes you're perspective on it? I find that phenomenon fascinating.

One day i'll have it figured out. Or, you know, before 1:30 tomorrow.

Change your life now, folkes.

Until later,

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